Friday 23 November 2018

The Crazies: Narrative

Two examples of what caused later events in the film were the plane crash because it happens before the film starts even though we don’t see it but we find out that it happens before the film, also the plane crashing into the water is what causes the outbreak in disease because it has leaked into the water, infecting it. Julie is pregnant we find this out when the sheriff comes home to meet her because she is showing we know that this has happened before the film. This causes later events because she is pregnant she has a slight temperature which causes her to be separated from her husband. Two events that happen in different time and space is the body in the water. The body is found by the sheriff and his deputy the body was a pilot who drove the plane which crashed but we don’t see any of this event. The only thing we see is the aftermath of this event. Another event which happened was people drinking the infected water, we know that they do drink the water because it is their main source of water to the town. Also we know that the water is infected because Rory who is affected first by the disease is closest to the water supply which has caused the disease. Act 1: The baseball game was the set up and normality because the whole town was gathered like they would normally do but it was also a set-up for the storyline because this is where Rory shot because he had a gun and was acting strange. Act 2: Military come in and lock down the town killing everyone. This is the disruption because the movie is based in a small town where not a lot happens but know the military has come in a taken everybody from there homes and splitting people up without informing what is actually happening to them. Act 3: The two main characters are in a truck driving away from the town when a bomb is dropped and they see the explosion. It take them out and they crash the truck. So they get out of the truck and we see them walking towards the closes city which contains.

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